Tropical fish Importer, Exporter, and Breeder specializing in Central & South American cichlids, as well as Characins, catfish, pleco, and other rare or unusual species from around the world.
Tangled Up in Cichlids
Week of January 4 - 10, 2024 stock availability
TUIC stock list key:
WC = Wild caught fish collected from nature.
F1 = First generation fish spawned from wild fish.
F2 = Second generation spawned from F1 fish.
CB = F3 or greater; tank raised fish and/or of unknown provenance.
'M/F Pair' = Individual sexed Male and Female sold as a pair.
'Breeding Pair' = Male and Female that have spawned together under my observation.
Sex of fish:
​All fish are sold unsexed unless specifically listed as such. Sex of fish is never guaranteed.
Listed sizes indicate the range of size in total length ('TL') for the specifically listed species as measured from smallest to largest of the actual current stock and are guaranteed to be within 1/16th +/- of an inch of accuracy and are backed by the industries only size guarantee. Most fish will be somewhere between the listed size range. Fish will never be smaller than advertised size (within 1/16th +/- ) but may arrive reasonably upsized due to recent growth.
How To Order & Payment Info. Shipping Information
To place your order, please email:
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